GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. “Worst Timing For A Stalker” A quick Angeal x Genesis doodle. You better leave these two alone when they FINALLY find...
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. The first set of doodles from the pay-what-you-want doodle day is done. Reno for @violentcollisionofstars I imagined that perhaps something dynamic...
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. Had the mood to practice some Angeal faces. Sexiest character to ever be created~ What a man. Ya can’t blame me...
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. Angel Did a little fanart doodle yesterday while watching AngelSoul’s stream. She is very precious and plays all the interesting things....
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. Ah, btw, this is my new logo for my stream (gengen_ on any anything raptor related. Me likez very much,...
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. Had a doodle mood to escape all the clean lines I have to do lately. My victim: Kai’Sa. ^^° HOME
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. Don’t Cross me Finally got around to finishing this picture, which I had started ages ago. Talon is still my favorite...
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. noxian-talon: ((Finally did it, did I…? Have a Talon expression meme. My personal favourite is probably the playing Amnesia one. xD...
GENGEN’S PROJECTS This art page is currently under construction. “No need to hide those pretty eyes~” Did a little something for me today. Turned out to be a doodle of...