Showcase: Asazou Hinotama For the group and server in Final Fantasy XIV I am playing with/on, in order to roleplay an alternate version of Asa, I finally drew a little…
Zutar and Nira It was Zuzu's cracking-out-of-the-egg day last Saturday, and I was restarting my attempt to draw him a present when Aephral poked me for a commission with the…
Asazou Hinotama As I also play FF14 and wanted to have a piece of my favorite OC, Asazoh, I put together an alternate version of him that is FF14 lore…
Lenye As part of the ongoing background story for my Fire Elven Duke, he ends up with not only two husbands but also two female concubines, to (somewhat) ensure being…
Vivi at the Beach LtColinSane commissioned me for some artwork featuring the Streamer Vivi, to be found here: Admittedly, there were quite a few things I have never drawn…
HanaHarbiZoh - Hotsprings For SurrealKatie’s commission ( I got to draw her blue-haired roleplay character called “Hanavi”, plus “Harbinger”, roleplayed by the marvelous Magpie, plus my own favorite character to…
In order to get a piece of her in-depth and interesting roleplay character done, Saber commissioned me to draw “Jessica”, who she plays in GTA V. If you want to…
Raptor Stream offline image That’s right, I also finished a new offline screen for my twitch stream, showcasing me all snuggled up with some DaiDais. You may not see DaiDais…
Dawn For practice reasons, I decided to tackle some animation with the focus on the long hair softly waving in the wind. Ofc I picked up my fire elf Asazoh…
Raptor and Raccoon looting They snuck into that dungeon, they defeated the giant trash pile, and found their path through ancient ruins and random foliage. @.@ The reward: The amazing…