The first set of doodles from the pay-what-you-want doodle day is done.
Reno for @violentcollisionofstars
I imagined that perhaps something dynamic would be right for you, and chocobo-hair-boy might gaze upon that fierce redhead in awe?
Jenova for @idariddle
I took the “evil smile” a bit further and tried to have my own little interpretation of Jenova, so I tried to combine her remnants from FF7 with the actual statuette in front of her tank.
Angeal for xgladiolus (apparently can’t tag you, might wanna check yer settings <3)
I couldn’t NOT give him a small blush. And I KNOw you like it. I just know. xP
Thank you so so SOOO much for helping me out when I was in need. I really appreciate your support so much and I do hope I did your wishes at least SOME justice. You deserve all the love and licks.