This art page is currently under construction.
Genesis “GenGen” is a male game artist and character artist born in the US, raised and currently living in Germany, who takes commissions and works on game projects. At times, he streams, roleplays, writes (mostly lore), and works on the Fantasy-Roleplay-Wiki.
If you are looking to get in touch with GenGen, you may refer to the contact page. Please choose to either speak English or German with him, as his Japanese is still quite broken.
Among GenGen‘s skills are:
  • Photoshop
  • Paint Tool Sai
  • Clip Studio Paint
  • Splash Art
  • Character Art
  • Character Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Banner and Stream Overlay design
  • Emotes and Icons
  • Doujinshi, Anime, and Manga Art
GenGen is actively expanding his knowledge in Blender, Python, RenPy, Davinci Resolve, Japanese, and more.
In 2007, GenGen visited a Fashion and Design school in Germany for the purpose of custom-tailoring and designing fashion. Even though, after this year, GenGen realized that his true passion lies in Game Art and Character Design, the experiences he collected at the Fashion and Design school influences his work and lets him excel at fabric design and high detail inclusion in his art projects.


During his free time, GenGen tailors, plays games like Conan Exiles, League of Legends, Final Fantasy XIV, and diverse survival, adventure, roleplay, and visual novel games – he even created complex Minecraft Modpacks in the days and, in a beloved team, hosted and organized several seasons of Dreamborn RP, a Conan Exiles roleplay server. He dreams of one day being part of a Game Dev team working on a fantasy lore based survival, adventure, or roleplay game.


Favorite characters that GenGen draws range from Talon from League of Legends, over Genesis from Crisis Core, to his own characters, such as Asazoh Feuergeist, his Fire Elven duke, or his collection of Elves he is creating for his own adult visual novel in the works.
As an honorable and necessary mention, GenGen has been deeply inspired by the game Atlas Reactor and its developer team and community. As co-leader (and later leader) of the competitive team “Love Bytes“, eventually co-host of the fan based “Turn 20 League“, GenGen connected deeply with the community and today misses the good days dearly.