And here’s finally another batch of doodles incoming.
@asreoninfusion asked for a doodle of Antisepticeye and Darkiplier – absolutely not my corner of the arena, but it was interesting to figure out some of the light, and as you can perhaps tell I played around with it a bit. I know you were concerned about the interaction, since it was a “doodle”-event, but I couldn’t NOT put them together, after what you told me what you imagined. D:
I also very much wanted to play with lights and effects regarding @rhyperographer ‘s OC, almost scraped it, because I had most of his face missing, and then figured, I could use that to the image’s advantage instead of cursing myself. x3
And then there is @kitty-fantastic and the Talon dreams. Personally, I was never happy with the half-assed design of either the Renegade NOR the SSW skin, and you poking me about using the colors of one on the shape of the other was a very much welcome idea. I MAY have spiced it up by “accidentally” leaving out one piece of clothing. Your extraversion is under the cut. ;P
Again, thank you all so much for your support and help. You saved my butt.