Asazoh Feuergeist Portrait
And so I have finally finished this little passion piece of Asazoh Feuergeist, Duke of Cinder Valley, a Fire Elf I roleplay from time to time in Conan Exiles. I do not consider it being even close to perfect but I honestly am quite happy with my work regardless, and I needed something high quality for my Fire Elven Dork eventually.
I never really planned to play an Elf back then, let alone anything noble, and things just kind of happened via roleplay with a lot of great people. Not sure if Asazoh will ever get used to being a Duke, but he immensely appreciates any opportunity to help those in need.
A grand “Thank You” from me to everyone who helped shaping Asazoh’s story, and to everyone who contributed over the years. May apples forever “mysteriously” appear in your mines, bon fires, and planters. <3
If you like my art, please support me on my Patreon right [here], and snatch some neat rewards at the same time. <3 Thankchu
For Splash Arts, over-detailing is not a term I can justify. It brings me joy to work on little things that might go unnoticed at a quick glance but bring more depth, character, and realism to the picture.

In this focused frame, you can see a perfect example of my love for detail. The hair sticks have their own pattern to symbolize wealth and Asazoh’s love of skilled craft and beauty. He usually decorates his hair with feathers and apple blossoms, so for this portrait I designed a new piece of jewelry that doesn’t overburden the artwork but adds some character.

As probably most artists, I find so much glee in working on eyes. In this piece, I carefully worked out the shadows of individual eyelashes, to really work out some realistic details.

Typical me used several self-made patterns for this portrait, and for his vest I applied the Fire Blossom pattern. There could not have been a more fitting one for a noble Fire Elf, in my opinion. Every detail I add has thought and story behind it.