Dearest you :3
Originally, this package of icons for various characters, with different expressions, was created for a friend of mine who wanted to attempt a private RPG Maker project. It was a free favor from me to him. Unfortunately, he benched that rather quickly and never needed the icons, so they have been gathering dust on my external hard drive ever since.
If you can use these icons for any of your projects, feel free to download the package with this link: drive.google.com/drive/folders…
You don’t have to pay a single dime, you don’t have to worry about a thing if it’s just for a hobby, all I am asking for is credit should you ever make a profit with a project using these icons. Aaand that is already it!
If you, however, still wish to support me, make me EEEEP in joy, you can always support me on Patreon, which comes with even more loot for you! www.patreon.com/GenGen
Many liccs!