Officer Hanavi Feuergeist-Tide
Hanavi, human Chronomancer, is a character played by the amazing SurrealKatie (find her here: https://www.twitch.tv/surrealkatie) and she did bring this gorgeous man into the world of Conan Exiles roleplay last year. Ever since I have been on and off working on this piece for Katie, as she herself, her work, and her roleplay and creativity is absolutely inspiring and without parallel.
Dis was an ideal Christmas gift so I made sure to complete it in time, which I managed to do with a spare month left. o/ The pattern on Hanavi’s coat is also self-made and I will add that to the possible rewards for Patrons asap.
If you like my art, any support would mean the world to me. Pay me a visit on patreon.com/GenGen
For Splash Arts, over-detailing is not a term I can justify. It brings me joy to work on little things that might go unnoticed at a quick glance but bring more depth, character, and realism to the picture.

In this case, I worked out fine fluff where the feminine man Hanavi doesn’t grow a typical beard. It is something commonly observed on women and also feminine males in real life, and I loved the idea of adding that little something to the portrait.

Story inspires details, details inspire story. I am in awe with the thought that writer and visual artist may bounce spontaneous ideas off one another. I did not have a reference for this zipper piece, but I stuck to the theme of chronomancy.

To give texture and more love to fabric, I enjoy using the patterns I created myself. For this Splash Art in particular, I created a new one that fuses Victorian patterns with the chronomancy theme, resulting in a unique steampunk fabric. Photoshop helped me adjust several layers on top of one another and different blending modes and working in masks got me to the result that satisfied me in the end.